What do Paint, Olive Oil, Shampoo and Conditioner have in Common?

First off, Happy New Year’s! 40 degrees and the sun is trying to shine in Newport, WA! Tracey here, co-founder of Newport Home Repair LLC providing Handyman and Home Repair services to the greater Newport and Spokane, WA areas. Girls can be handy too!

Thought I would kick off the New Year with a painting project. Painting a bathroom accent wall a chic light gray. Doing my best to mesh cabin / modern chic into a Master Bathroom! Also, pretty proud of myself for finding an “oopsy” paint at Home Depot for $2 (a paint someone had mixed but returned). Home Depot’s loss is our gain! As I precisely trimmed in the chic light gray paint into all the nooks and crannies of the bathroom wall, I stepped back to admire the new color. Check, no paint dribbles or stray strokes. Pat on my back!

As I am cleaning the paintbrush, I notice the chic light gray paint in my curls. Hmmm. Despite my hair in a ponytail, it seems long hair has struck again! Ladies: Note to selves, put your hair in a bun or a ball cap on painting projects!

Attempt 1 for removing paint from hair: Shampoo. Well, that did not do much!

Attempt 2 for removing paint from hair: Olive Oil (thanks google)! Massaging Olive Oil on the affected hair/ paint seemed to remove 95% of it!

Attempt 3 for removing the last bit of paint from hair: Conditioner. Yup! That finished it out!

There you have it! A morning of bathroom wall painting and “cleaning” my hair with Olive Oil! Cheers! Let us know if you need any handyman, painting (promise not to get hair in the paint!), tiling or other home repair needs. Serving Newport, WA, Spokane Valley, WA, Spokane, WA, Elk, WA and Mead, WA.


Newport Home Repair LLC